
Increase productivity, taking care of people


Within each mining site and its various facilities there are countless processes with potential for improvement, if the right people had access to the correct data and knew how to manage that data.

Retina Analytics is capable of analyzing productivity by workspace, comparing performance by shift, and discovering inefficiencies at critical points in the operation to better manage your people, vehicles and resources.


We generate value in two of the most important elements for a mining company: productivity and worker, visitor and supplier safety.

With our control and management tools we manage to increase the productivity of the guards. We monitor a fundamental aspect such as the trucks unloading, optimizing and connecting the flow between the mine and the crushers. We measure the unload per hour and if it is not within the agreed parameters an immediate alert is generated to manage the situation.

We ensure the entry of vehicles and people in strategic areas, and in this way we safeguard the security of assets.

We contribute to provide safety for workers, especially in the prevention of accidents.


Through our AI devices and tools we monitor the movement of trucks in real time.

We measure the flow of truck unloading, which allows us to identify deviations at the same time and, in turn, the generation of alerts for corrections in the process.

The analysis and use of the data allows us to identify if there is idle capacity in the unload areas or crushers, in addition to identifying possible bottlenecks.

To take care of workers, we generate traffic alerts in unauthorized areas, we monitor with our technology the non-use of PPE, in addition to controlling gauges.

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“We believe in the power of data. We believe data is gold.”

“Lo que no se mide no se puede mejorar.”

“Sin una acción (o gestión) inmediata, las alertas ante incidentes no sirven de nada.”

3 PASOS, Retina de BTI Analitycs

RETINA te permite ver todas las cosas en todo momento. It captures what really matters. Ve lo que otros no ven. Es capaz de encontrar una aguja en un pajar… y al mismo tiempo, es capaz de ver el big picture completo desde ángulos que otros no pueden. Finalmente, gestiona esa información que captó para entregar una solución al problema o sugerir una acción que beneficie. Siempre en tiempo real.
RETINA sirve a muchas industrias diferentes: lugares de trabajo y oficinas, universidades, centros comerciales & retail, instalaciones mineras, bodegas & centros de distribución, estaciones gasolineras, etc. RETINA crea valor para nuestros clientes, desde reducir los robos al interior de un centro comercial hasta garantizar que los estudiantes vuelvan a ingresar a las escuelas con mayor tranquilidad, desde optimizar las rutas y evitar los cuellos de botella de camiones con mercadería en un centro de distribución hasta ayudar a incrementar las ventas en una estación de servicio midiendo la afluencia de vehículos.