Industrial business

Connected, safe and operationally efficient production processes


Connecting people to processes and data increases productivity, performance and shareholder value. Retina Analytics represents an opportunity and a solution: integrated products, systems and services that will provide measurable results and reduce risks

Our automated solutions ensure operational efficiency is at its peak, while maintaining safety and comfort for workers, contractors, suppliers, and everyone of concern.


We take care of the strategic areas that have been identified, controlling the vehicles and people who move there.

The productive and operational processes can be favored with our data analysis and the improvement of these processes.

Additionally, with our AI tools we can increase productivity from guards to suppliers.

In relation to workers, we contribute to providing them with safety, especially in the prevention of accidents.


Real-time monitoring. Our AI engines allow us to improve productivity, monitoring and optimizing the number of unloadings, the frequency and the average time of trucks in all stages of the production process.

We optimize the work of the field staff through the digitization of all the processes related to the interior of the enclosure: maintenance, security, operation, prevention processes, etc.

To take care of the workers, we generate alerts for traffic in unauthorized areas, we monitor with our technology the non-use of PPE, in addition to controlling gauges.

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“We believe in the power of data. We believe data is gold.”

“Lo que no se mide no se puede mejorar.”

“Sin una acción (o gestión) inmediata, las alertas ante incidentes no sirven de nada.”

3 PASOS, Retina de BTI Analitycs

RETINA te permite ver todas las cosas en todo momento. It captures what really matters. Ve lo que otros no ven. Es capaz de encontrar una aguja en un pajar… y al mismo tiempo, es capaz de ver el big picture completo desde ángulos que otros no pueden. Finalmente, gestiona esa información que captó para entregar una solución al problema o sugerir una acción que beneficie. Siempre en tiempo real.
RETINA sirve a muchas industrias diferentes: lugares de trabajo y oficinas, universidades, centros comerciales & retail, instalaciones mineras, bodegas & centros de distribución, estaciones gasolineras, etc. RETINA crea valor para nuestros clientes, desde reducir los robos al interior de un centro comercial hasta garantizar que los estudiantes vuelvan a ingresar a las escuelas con mayor tranquilidad, desde optimizar las rutas y evitar los cuellos de botella de camiones con mercadería en un centro de distribución hasta ayudar a incrementar las ventas en una estación de servicio midiendo la afluencia de vehículos.