
Creating safe and comfortable working and learning environments


Students today expect to learn and function in safe, healthy and comfortable environments. The same is true for the teachers and administrative staff who work in these places.

On the different campuses, managers face a great challenge: how to optimize both campus environments and human resources on the ground, taking care of operating costs and ensuring the well-being of workers, students and teachers.

Retina Analytics and its Action Intelligence tools help meet this challenge.


Our greatest added value is that the university community feels protected on campus. Additionally, knowing who each person is on campus.

We take care of the campus, the assets and, most important of all, the people who work and study on campus.

We manage people and vehicles, and incorporate effective ways to prevent incidents and theft, through a fast and effective emergency response process. We incorporate fast and well-structured procedures for emergencies such as fires, accidents, medical emergencies, etc. We monitor the building and its dependencies 24×7, taking care of critical assets and the building itself, including perimeter protection to prevent unauthorized entry through places that are not formal official access.


We actively participate in the modernization of education with the help of AI in video, biometric recognition and IoT technology, creating a safe and comfortable educational environment for students.

Real-time monitoring, access control, temperature measurement, crowd control and authorized personel are some of the tools we use within our process.

Through intelligent security, intelligent teaching and the application of Big Data on campus, the following three elements are fully and harmoniously integrated: teaching, campus management and campus life. In this way, a smart campus is built.

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“We believe in the power of data. We believe data is gold.”

“Lo que no se mide no se puede mejorar.”

“Sin una acción (o gestión) inmediata, las alertas ante incidentes no sirven de nada.”

3 PASOS, Retina de BTI Analitycs

RETINA te permite ver todas las cosas en todo momento. It captures what really matters. Ve lo que otros no ven. Es capaz de encontrar una aguja en un pajar… y al mismo tiempo, es capaz de ver el big picture completo desde ángulos que otros no pueden. Finalmente, gestiona esa información que captó para entregar una solución al problema o sugerir una acción que beneficie. Siempre en tiempo real.
RETINA sirve a muchas industrias diferentes: lugares de trabajo y oficinas, universidades, centros comerciales & retail, instalaciones mineras, bodegas & centros de distribución, estaciones gasolineras, etc. RETINA crea valor para nuestros clientes, desde reducir los robos al interior de un centro comercial hasta garantizar que los estudiantes vuelvan a ingresar a las escuelas con mayor tranquilidad, desde optimizar las rutas y evitar los cuellos de botella de camiones con mercadería en un centro de distribución hasta ayudar a incrementar las ventas en una estación de servicio midiendo la afluencia de vehículos.