
BTI Analytics was founded in 2017 with the purpose of assisting companies in matters of security, efficient management and data processing, and help them grow. Jaime Zaldivar,  founder partner on BTI, have a dream: to professionalize an industry with great potential in Chile and South America, making a difference by leveraging on all their experience forged in more advanced markets and incorporating cutting-edge technology. They began delivering security services based on advanced platforms, and realized that a great opportunity to help their clients grow was based on data analysis and management. They optimized operational and productive processes for companies, generating actionable and measurable intelligence at all times.
This is how BTI Analytics has nowadays grown and transformed into a modern, global company with cutting-edge technology that works in various vertical markets and achieving lasting relationships with clients, based on trust and quality work.

What moves us

At BTI Analytics we firmly believe that proper and timely management of data is the best tool to grow a business and last over time.

We believe in the power of data. We believe data is gold.


Help all companies optimize their resources and operational processes, through Actionable Intelligence (not just Artificial) that allows them to operate and manage their data at any time and from anywhere, and thus provide them with peace of mind.


To help our clients reach their business potential, through the correct and timely management of their information in a safe, continuous and sustainable way.

Our Values

Committed above all

We are characterized by the seriousness with which we face our work, and we put the fulfillment of our commitments with our clients above all else.

Always looking to the future

We are committed with having the best technology on the market to fulfill our promises. We innovate in the present, with an eye always on what is to come.


We are proactive in an effort to anticipate events, and we react at the exact moment to the signals provided by data and incidents.

Closeness to the client

We forge one single team with our client, and we win only if the client wins. We know how to actively listen to them and it allows us to move forward together.

We are flexible

We adapt easily to changes in the environment and the evolution of our clients over time. We understand that the uniqueness of each client implies a tailor-made service

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“We believe in the power of data. We believe data is gold.”

“Lo que no se mide no se puede mejorar.”

“Sin una acción (o gestión) inmediata, las alertas ante incidentes no sirven de nada.”

3 PASOS, Retina de BTI Analitycs

RETINA te permite ver todas las cosas en todo momento. It captures what really matters. Ve lo que otros no ven. Es capaz de encontrar una aguja en un pajar… y al mismo tiempo, es capaz de ver el big picture completo desde ángulos que otros no pueden. Finalmente, gestiona esa información que captó para entregar una solución al problema o sugerir una acción que beneficie. Siempre en tiempo real.
RETINA sirve a muchas industrias diferentes: lugares de trabajo y oficinas, universidades, centros comerciales & retail, instalaciones mineras, bodegas & centros de distribución, estaciones gasolineras, etc. RETINA crea valor para nuestros clientes, desde reducir los robos al interior de un centro comercial hasta garantizar que los estudiantes vuelvan a ingresar a las escuelas con mayor tranquilidad, desde optimizar las rutas y evitar los cuellos de botella de camiones con mercadería en un centro de distribución hasta ayudar a incrementar las ventas en una estación de servicio midiendo la afluencia de vehículos.